melamar lagi bahasa Inggris
- melamar: applied for; apply; apply for; pop the question;
- lagi: again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another;
- melamar: applied for; apply; apply for; pop the question; popped the question; popping the question; propose; propose marriage to; proposed marriage to; put in for; putting in for; woo; offer; court; declare
- I think I should reapply to CalArts
Saya rasa saya harus melamar lagi untuk CalArts - Gain some experience and please apply again."
Cari pengalaman dan silahkan melamar lagi." - Although, he did make a note to himself that the next time he proposed, it was perhaps not necessary to enumerate all of the women he had auditioned for the part. But the point stands.
walaupun dia memberi catatan bahwa jika dia melamar lagi, mugnkin dia tidak perlu menyebutkan satu per satu semua wanita yang pernah diaudisinya. Namun tetap saja, hal yang penting adalah Anda harus mencari alternatif